
“So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to- work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.” Romans 12:1-2 Message Bible
This week God spoke to me. It wasn't while I was on stage leading worship or even while at my piano worshipping at home. It was while I was standing in my kitchen washing dishes and cleaning my house, preparing for company. Most often, I worship and talk to God in those real life moments: Target runs, cleaning, working outside, making lunches and driving in my car. I have developed and found that I really need those pockets of time with the Lord. I love to sit at my piano, worship, sing and write songs. Often, songs rise up in me while doing every day things.
Some of you may have seen the worship challenge that I posted on social media this week. It was at the kitchen sink I felt the Lord say, “Are you waiting for everything to be perfect to release what is in you?” I knew right away what He meant. As a worship leader, singer, and songwriter it is very easy to get pulled into what things should look like in my life. Album recordings, fancy blogs and Instagram posts, it is way easier to have influence if everyone knows who you are. The truth is that I have influence, in my family’s life and the team I lead. The enemy loves to plant the lie of perfection to us in the middle of promises we have.
God did such a shift in my heart, realizing what I have been going after this whole time is truth! I don't need a fancy package to bring the things that are on my heart. I don't care anymore if it looks perfect but I do care about people connecting with God and having encounters with Him. I do care that at the end of my days I lead people to truth and to the heart of God and not to myself.
In order to make a change and to shift culture, even the culture of worship these days, we have to have a heart change and refocus. There is nothing wrong with what we see today when it comes to worship but we, the church, need to know that there is more. It's not just the pretty picture and perfect “worship band” moments that make God come and move. That happens out of the overflow. It is a blessing to have wonderful worship music and leaders to lead us corporately, but I think I speak for every worship leader when I say that what you see on stage should not be your only time to worship God throughout the week.
Learn how to worship Him in your secret place. Grow and be led by Holy Spirit. Be refined in His presence. What would it look like for people to come to a gathering, full of God, with a song in their heart and revelation of who He is? I believe the Church would transform and be unstoppable, because she has learned to live in the presence of God.
I am leading our creative ministry and worshippers to steward the unseen place so that our foundations may be strong and pure. It’s all about Jesus. Every moment with Him is transformational. Every time you gaze upon Him you are changed.What would life look like if we took hold of the idea that we are carriers of His presence?
What would happen in our lives if we kept His presence before us at work, praying and singing to ourselves as we walk down the street, making hospital beds, or sitting with someone who needs comfort? Let thankfulness fill your heart. Whatever it is, it’s the posture of our heart, no band needed.
Church, we are coming into our greatest season. We will begin to see “the greater things” as we make His presence everything. You can set the atmosphere wherever you go. It is the atmosphere of Heaven, bringing your self into agreement with heaven. What could happen if we make this a part of our every day life a pleasing fragrance to the Lord? I challenge you! #worshipchallenge #worshipallthetime.